Our annual review and future outlook

Our annual review and future outlook

We were just done ‘processing’ our terrific 10th anniversary in conjunction with the 1st TFN Growth Day, started to implement our annual goals with the support of Scaling Up when it became apparent that as early as February everything was going to be quite different:

We had to react very flexibly to changing circumstances and requirements while realizing projects in ever shorter times: Instead of building a sustainable multichannel commerce platform, we had to set up an e-commerce platform with online marketing integrations for one of the leading opticians in Europe and all within 8 weeks. We succeeded, as always, because this challenging request was accepted by all talents. The trust in the enormous complementary skills of each individual very quickly led to extraordinary performance.

We had to stick to fixed rollout plans of our customers despite adverse circumstances. As a result, after two years we went live on schedule in twelve countries with the 54 clients of the K-Mail Order Group. Looking back now we realize that all business targets were met and exceeded, in some cases significantly.

Most of the talents mastered this project while dealing with homeschooling for the first time. This focus on personal growth became of greater importance in everyone’s life.

Internally at TFN we successfully passed another milestone with the development of various professional and nonprofessional training. We expanded our Exchange Meetings (now Roundtables) into dedicated Slack Channels. This expansion allowed us to define roles and interest groups for each channel and focus on content relevant to its participants. After the positive response to the 1st TFN Growth Day, we also hope to experience our 2nd TFN Growth Day with our talents and customers next year. Since 95% of our activities already take place remotely we believe all the more in this face-to-face format. It reflects what unites us all: sharing personal, trusting, open exchanges and experiences!

When we were finally able to celebrate our successes in compliance with the C rules in the summer the tension that had built up as a result of the extremely strenuous six months eased up for many. There was also a great sense of gratitude that the pandemic had not only spared us during this extreme period compared to other industries and business models, but had even provided us with a strong tailwind: companies that understand that their sole purpose is to enable their customers and employees to lead better, more fulfilling lives and give their everything to achieve this will always succeed. We are deeply convinced that working with many small powerful product teams, united by complementary talents and interests, whose central goal is the satisfaction of unmet customer needs is the way forward.

At TFN, we will continue to exemplify these insights and they will be our role models for 2021. However, we have decided to be more present in the professional community. We believe that we have done a good job of condensing our lessons learned over the past 11 years and that most companies, accelerated by the pandemic, are now ready to sustainably align their culture, operations, and business models with their customer and employee needs. We will help all companies that have the humility and drive needed to make these changes.

TFN will not only become more visible but also more international, especially on the talent side. As a consequence we will be shifting to English which will also present new challenges for us – ones that we are looking forward to.

The path we took last year of expanding TFN’s internal team with Thomas and Johannes as well as Christoph will also continue. As will the expansion of our training and coaching for freelancers and service provider employees.

We have decided to form even more digital product success teams in industries that our talents believe are the future: New Mobility, Health, and Energy where we can already report initial successes, others will follow.

Dear talent, which product would you like to (co-)build? In which industry and role? What would really excite you and release maximum energy? Get in touch with us here: https://talentformation.com/fuer-talents

We would like to thank all Talents and customers for their trust and support this year! We are looking forward to rocking the next year with you: #happy#healthy#strong!

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TalentFormation tritt dem Mittelstand, BVMW e.V. bei

TalentFormation tritt dem Mittelstand, BVMW e.V. bei

Hamburg, 12.06.2024 TalentFormation, der Company Builder und Rebuilder für den deutschen Mittelstand, ist dem Bundesverband mittelständische Wirtschaft (BVMW e.V.) beigetreten. Diese Partnerschaft unterstreicht das kontinuierliche Engagement von TalentFormation für die Unterstützung des Mittelstands in Deutschland. Als Experte in der digitalen Transformation mittelständischer Unternehmen und beim Aufbau digitaler

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